Folks, it was a blast making this dvd. I'm glad yall have enjoyed it. I never was big on filming until this little adventure. I'm sold. Filming hunts is a great way to share your hunt with the world.
Heath Helgert, our editor/producer, is one of the best in the business. Though relatively unknown, he is slowly rising to the top of the heap. Most editors are computer nerds (no offense) . But Heath is a first class killin guy who knows how to hunt and therefore knows what we all wanna see. His vision in this industry is extraordinary. We all look forward to seeing what he has in store from project to project.
I know many of yall carry a cam to the timber with you now. If you have any thoughts of making your own dvd? Then you orta look ol Heath up. (Now, while he's cheap! Lol!)
Sorry to get on my soapbox. I just don't think the guys behind the scenes get Enuff praise. While we were out having fun, trying to kill critters, Heath was sitting at the computer trying to peice together the broken fragments of footage. He really is good at making chicken salad out of chicken crap! Lol!
So again I'm glad yall have enjoyed it. I know I enjoyed being involved. It was awesome! (No pun intended Toby).
We've already got quite a bit of footage put together for the second dvd. If the Lord wills and we have a good season starting this spring thru the fall, we should be able to put another dvd out shortly.
Thanks again, and God bless, Dave