I start off by rough cutting my lumber on the table saw to a square dimension of about .370-.380” . I then run the sticks in the plainer to get an exact dimension of .355” square by about 36”. (.355” by .355” gives you cross sectional length of .5” ) This now fits in a 3/8” drive and you can chuck this in a hand drill. I used a dove tail router bit so that I can change the amount of cut by changing the height of the router rather than using a standard fluted bit and moving the router. I was able to order the ½ and 11/32 drill bushings online and then used a ¾ “ forisner bit to make a continuous hole in the corrian. (I did make a slight modification to the ¾” forisner bit to make it cut about .002” undersized so I was able to press fit the drill bushings opposed to glue them in). After everything is set up I just turn the router on and hit the drill full speed and a slow steady feed.
Alright here is a video of my new doweler in action.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTeEcxZI8Go&feature=youtu.be This first picture is of the entire setup.

Here is the picture looking through the ½” drill bushing and into the 11/32” drill bushing.

Here is the track out the backside so the arrow does not rattle around at 1000+ RPM

Here is a picture of the underside of the jug showing the ends of the drill bushing and the dove tail router bit

Last but not least here is a pic of three simple poplar arrows I was able to finish today (I ran out of feathers)