I was visiting the local archery shop today to drop off a Bear skull and a Bobcat skull from animals I have taken in the past, as additions to a dislapy they have containg a Cougar, Elk and couple Black Tailed Deer Skulls..
An older fellow comes in who seems very new to trad, but is anxiously looking for suitable arrows for a new 50# Bamboo backed Osage Long Bow, he has just recieved. He approaches the owner for advise...
He's really looking for "woodiies". However, being a c-bow oriented shop [that has recently entered into the budding x-bow sales in our state] they have none in stock nor any others that are fletched with feathers...
He is immediately told 500 crabons won't work... as they will too light...
He is then told that 2219's cut to 31" for his 29" draw will be just the ticket [ they happen to have that size in stock] when tipped with 125 gn field tips. :rolleyes:
At this point, being the guy I am
I have to ask... "How far is that bow center cut "too" or "past" center?"
He never answers, and the owner does not pick up on what I have just asked.
. At that point, the deal goes on, to the point of 12 new camo 2219's with basic 3 5" feathers to the tune of $100 ordered.
Finally, I get the guy off to the side and find out what type of bow he has. At this point he says "Do you think they will be too stiff?" I shake my head yes, and give him my phone number and the suggestion he give me a call and possibly meet up with a few of the guys here, or who belong to Traditional Bowhunters of WA..
Sad part was, I have about 2 dozen 2219's with brand new fletch and long enough for him which I don't even shoot out of center cut 58# bows.
I would have given him a few of these [if he chose to want to keep and shoot them], and the use of my indoor shooting range, and supplied various 300-400- and 500 series carbons for him to try before laying down that $$$.
However not wanting to up-set the store owner, him loosing the income, and me loosing his friendship, I just bit my tounge thru all of or most of this...
Guy's if your new to this sport... DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK some questions before laying out that hard earned cash...
There are several guys and gals here, and possibly shooting trad. bows at the shops with ranges you frequent, many with years of experience... Take advantage of their knowledge... I and I'm sure most others who are passionate about this sport are also more than willing to help you out.
I'm carring my cell phone ..but still no call from him.. I'm not sure what more I could have said or offered in that situation?