I've seen this done on another site and thought it might be a good thing to do here. Here are the parameters, the animal is in your comfortable shooting range, whatever that may be, and is only a thing you know. You have a very sharp BH and are proficient. The BH arrow combo is good enough to kill anything that is in North America. The animal is legal and you have the required tag (even if it's by dream
Everyone good? Good. All I want to see if you would shoot or not and where. You can copy the photo to one of many different editing programs and show where you'd shoot. This could help some new folks on the different shot angles and where to put an arrow. Feel free to "play" if you're new, some of the experienced guys could correct if needed and why.
This is not meant to start a debate that gets out of control. I can just see a lot of the winter doldrum threads starting to appear, and thought this might break it up a bit. Feel free to add your own pics of game.
Here's the first critter. Enjoy.

A nice Blacktail Buck. I am no expert by the way

The red dot is where I would send my arrow.