Lets do a picture thread for 2012 to remember those first for us in trad bowhunting. Sometimes those old photos can be inspiring and just really cool to look at and enjoy the memory of the past adventure. Share as much as you can about the past hunt: equipment, special circumstances, etc.
A scrapbook thread of the #1's. First rabbit, buck, doe, bear, etc. Lets of course, keep this trad related boys and girls...
#1 deer circa 1995: My first deer with any weapon. Taken on the ground still hunting. Mason, Texas. 21st century shedua longbow (Bud & Jim bow, man I miss those fellas building bows), cedar arrow (Drumbstick), wolverine BH. Max Drumb that taught me to shoot longbows gave me the "Robin Hood" hat and told me to take a picture with it when I shot a deer. I think it was from the Howard Hill Longbow company.
#2 First buck 1996
Elburg jaguar longbow. Mason, Texas. Shot from a tripod-boatseat stand backed into a cedar that was only about 5 ft tall. I shot him with a borrowed 2213 and a zwickey head. We were practicing in camp and I broke a wood arrow and sent the shaft and fletch into the web of my hand. Chris in camp let me borrow his extra arrows and I shot him the next am. One of the best shot I have made on a game animal.