I just went to Kodiak this last November and hunted out of Larsen Bay. We hunted out of a lodge there so I can't comment on where to store the meat out in the bush.
I primarily wore my Kuiu Chugach rain gear the entire trip with the spindrift jacket beneath and Sitka Kelvin pants down low. The temps were in the low 30's for the most part. We had rain, sleet and snow while I was there. The real kicker was the high winds. It was from 20-40mph with gusts up to 60mph! Difficult conditions for stick and string.
I bought a pair of Lowa GTX hunter extremes and a pair of Hanwag Trapper Elite GTX boots. I took them both and rotated them every other day. This type of boot is a must for this trip in my opinion. However one trad hunter in our camp wore Lacrosse rubbers the entire time, he had done this hunt before and was well versed with hunting-period! I learned more from him in 7 days than I could believe. Thanks Marty!
I am pretty sure I spent more $$ on gear for this trip than the trip cost me, my wife would concur

But, I did not want to suffer through a trip of a lifetime due to a poor choice in clothing/boots.
My pack was an Eberlestock X1. It performed well with a quartered out Sitka Blacktail and spare gear I had packed. I purchased a few extra lashing straps from Eberlestock for my pack and I am glad I did, I used all of them once I had a Blacktail packed inside my X1.
I packed a sidearm as did all of us that were there. Four out of 6 of us had Brown Bear encounters. Fortunately with each occurrence the bear went away from us instead of engaging with us. One hunter lost his Sitka Buck to a sow and two cubs!
As we were leaving, it snowed heavily. We heard that pushed most of the deer down low and onto the beach area. This would have helped us trad bow hunters for sure. Good luck and enjoy your trip. A few pics from my trip to Kodiak

Here are some of the alders we contended with--How do you get an arrow through that??