"Death Passed Their Way"
Quietly into the forest, I boldly go
Armed with arrows and my trusty ole bow
The birds and the squirrels playing in the trees
Chattering and laughing among the fall leaves
Silently I pass and raise no alarm
The branches gently touch, then slide from my arm
Eyes to the path and the tracks that I follow
Lead to the trophy that hides in the hollow
Heart beating loudly, yet not to be heard
The excitement of the hunt cannot be put in word
When I see across the hollow, the little buck deer
Munching the clover, not knowing deaths near
I go to one knee, as if in slow motion
The bow and the arrow respond with devotion
The little buck deer, has now passed away
And I give thanks to the Great Spirit, for the gift of this day!
With trophy upon shoulder, I'm now homeward bound
And slip from the forest with nary a sound
Leaving the birds and the squirrels chattering away
Never knowing that death had just passed their way.........TW