I was able to purchase a real nice Thunder Stick III from a member here and want to craft some specific arrows for it. The Specs of the bow are 62" and 56# at 28". I have a D-97 10 strand padded to 14 from Oliverstacy ready to be put on. I draw right to about 28". I currently shoot a Martin Black Mamba 55# at 28" and Carbon Express 4560 arrows, 145gr grain tips and no weight inserts. The arrows are cut to 29" and fly nice out of the Mamba.
I am one the fence as to what type of arrow shaft to purchase for the new bow set up. I plan to use 100 gr. brass inserts, probably 160 to 170 grain broadheads/field points, 3 5" feathers. I am interested in the GoldTip 5575 trad. series, but am concerned that if the GT 5575 is cut back to 29 or 30", even with all the weight up front, the shaft will show too stiff? I would really like to be able to have the arrow about 1" to 1.5" max. length over my draw spec.
In your opinion - do you think I should buy some Gold Tip 5575 or some more of the Carbon Express 45-60? How about the point/weight combo, do you think this could be made to work? Is there any other carbon arrow brand/spine I should be looking at? It seems that with a 56# draw weight a variety of arrows could be made to work.
thanks for your help...