I have been shooting trad since 86, added primitive archery to my bag of tricks around 1990 (thanks to the late Joe Mattingly making me bows to trade for) then in 2001 I added my first compound to my bag of tricks mainly has a meat winner/no holes barred Meat shopping tool. I shoot all 3 types very very well in their own respected yardages..
okay, I lived it and experienced all types of archers and I have the personal experience on what I experienced and what I witnessed said by folks who didn't know I shot all equipment.
compounders,, I've shot many 3D's in everything from archery hunter groups to Top gun groups and from my experience the top gun shooters had their opinions but most where based on what they witnessed on the course,, its a bad rap towards the sticks because some folks do not hunt and we also play around on the course, so to the target shooters 6 traditional shooters all doing the chicken scratch trying to find arrows behind every other target creates these opinions if its fair towards us or not.
most of the wheelie bowhunters green stake shooters in my experience usually do not care who is shooting what,, you will get snickered at if you make a bad shot with a stick but anyone with another wheelie bow gets almost the same treatment. these guys ain't as hardcore as the Topgun tourny shooters and I found many do envy us in a small way,, alot of these guys have a longbow or recurve or had one tucked away and usually because they do not personally know anyone who shoots a stick theyu don't bother even spending time with it, all their buddys shoot wheels so they don't even mention the stick and jsut shoot wheels..
within this group I've heard more slack from stickshooters within hearing distance where alot of the time I feel they wanted the wheelies to hear them heckling and I'm a stick shooter myself so I know what certain words mean,, some wheelie shooters I know here locally got in verbal arguments with stick shooters after hearing smart comments and because of this theres an animosity from a few that will be there till death I think.
stick shooters,, my fellow stickbow brothers that I've personally shot with all over the country,, I think most forgot where they started and seem to not like the wheelie shooters at all with really no real reason . I've been in these groups a thousand times since I was 16 and its usually cool and nothing is said until the stick shooters catch up to the wheel shooters and are stuck behind them,, here on our 3D's you have a minute to take the shot and alot of my trad buddys forgot that part in the rule book and seem to take it personal and hate certain local wheelie shooters that don't rush who I find are very friendly people and have no beef against us.. one guy known for having all the gagets even offered me his spare key to his truck to use his deer cart if needed after bumping into each other at a management area we both hunted.. face to face theres no problem but behind the backs stuff is usually said and I feel bad.
Primitive shooters,,, I love this part of archery but these guys are hard on everyone.. I've been in Primitive only groups that don't care what you shoot as long as its made from one piece of wood or you surely are not on the best of friends 1st to get the phone call list,, ha ha.. I say that being funny but the primitive guys that I respect alot get messed with by everyone rather it for fun or stupidity but becauseof our slow dog leg bows that break alot, funny quivers, uglie looking fletch jobs.. there is nothing more awesome than the looks you get when a hardcore primitive group shoots thru on a top gun group at some 3D course and the primitives all decide to shoot from the top gun stake because they are never shooting for score and they all miss,,,,,, I was there and it made my life complete!!
anyway I have no beef with anyone but when I was younger I would not get caught dead shooting next to a compound, I've had words with them because I refused to shoot inside a dart system with wheelies I didn't even know. I hated them because I really thought they talked crap about me behind my back but after being on all sides of the fences and getting to know alot of different people I now know our only enemy is the Atlatyl throwers,,, yeah watch out for those guys!! they throw everybody under the steam roller its like a secret Mason organization where nobody knows exactly what their plans or beliefs are and whenever you pass one your ears soon start ringing.....