Seems there are always a lot of tuning questions and lots of worry about field points and broadheads weighing
EXACTLY the same thing.
The next time you are worrying about your practice points and broadheads being 15 grains apart, try this little experiment:
Take a bill--a piece of genuine US currency--out of your wallet and fold it up so it is in a little square you can set on your grain scale. It can be $1, $20, or $100. Your grain scale is going to read out very close to
15 GRAINS! .
Are any of us good enough shots to tell if we have a dollar bill wrapped around the front of our arrow? Is that one going to be a "flyer" that ruins the group?
Do your brand new shiny Judos fly any different after an hour of stump shooting when they are jammed full of mud, grass and bark?
The inconsistency of anyone's release is going to be grossly more than a dollar bill worth of point weight.
I am a fairly detail orientated head will NOT let me shoot those crazy wobbly bamboo arrows out of any of my bows; even though I watch my buddy kill deer after deer with them...but this point weight thing is one of those little details that can slide.
In my opinion...what say you?