Copied from the other thread...
Just a few of the things I do to save money that allows me to travel and hunt...
Pick up a side job or 2, get some overtime at work, pack a lunch everyday, eat dinner out as few times as possible. I won an eating contest last month and now receive a free pizza, order of breadsticks and pitcher of pop once a month for a year (now that is the way to save some big coin there). We actually had that for dinner tonight, plus it makes it real easy on my wife (she does most of the cooking, except the grill)
Buy everything on sale. Buy good used equipment. It is still good stuff. Drink more water and less beer, make your own coffee. Pay off your truck, and keep it. Turn the heat down at the house to 69* or less, and use a blanket. Buy store brand groceries when possible.
If flying, use travel websites (Expedia rocks),Don't carry money on you and have 1 credit card that has a low limit. if you do feel the need to buy something then go to a thrift store. Charge your kids .10 for each time they leave the lights on (they will stop within the first 2 days), Wash the dog yourself instead of the $35 every couple months they want. Go out and collect firewood and split it yourself, don't buy it.
Learn to enjoy making things you use by yourself or with your kids (saves money and you get quality time with the kids).
Mow the lawn yourself, and get rid of the lawn service. (just can't bring myself to do this one yet)
Want to read something, don't buy it. Either go to the Library (you already paid for it with your taxes) or do what I do and go to Bass Pro grab a magazine, then go sit on a pontoon boat to read it.
Research everything online as much as you can before you buy it. Either you will decide you really don't need it, or you will find the best deal for it available.
When it comes to living frugal, I feel that I'm the king. Hell, my wife and I invented copper wire fighting over a penny.
After all of that saving, spend it like it going out of style when the time comes, because I have never seen a Hearse with luggage racks.
Doing all of this, plus a few others, is what allwed me to take the family (4 of us) to Kauai, Hawaii for 2 weeks later this year. There will be tons of hunting, and deep sea fishing during that time as well.