I only buy street clothes when my current 2 pair of jeans fall to pieces and leave portions of my junk exposed or when my shirts start smelling like old dish rags.. Id keep styling em after that if the wife would let me, hey the kids get away with it.
Pocket that loose change, sell all of the extra junk that you have been saving for a rainy day that you know will never come, cut down on beer and buy domestic beer, itll cost you 1/3 of what an import would.
Other than for my family I really dont spend money unless its for hunting or fishing gear.
Its a state of mind. I work with guys who ask"How do you get the money to go on hunting trips, my wife would kill me?" (Get rid of her or you shouldnt have married her in the first place.) They make the same money as I do and will make 2 or 3 trips to Vegas and a cruise or 2 a year, $500.00 away game sporting events weekends are crazy to me but these fellas do it all of the time. Guess its about choices and values.
Look at your savings accounts or checking accounts and as long as your not draining it take some for a hunt. It might be scary at first but chances are, youll make more money and replace it in a little bit but you aint ever gonna get last years hunt back.