Went into a swamp to recover a black bear I'd shot. My buddy was up on a high bank above giving me hand signals. With one hand he held up two fingers with the other hand five fingers. I "assumed" he meant 25 yards and proceeded to walk right on top of the bear at 7 yards. Two fingers plus 5 fingers equals 7 not 25
Tricky thing was the bear wasn't done. At three yards I was facing him. He was seated in a low depression amongst thick cover. I had an arrow nocked hoping he would lift his chin for the only possible finishing shot at that angle. All I saw was claw and paw swat the brush down in front of him. I drew and put a cedar shaft into his cheek. He ran by me at two yards to my left, blood from the original chest shot marked the birch trees on both sides of him as he ran between them. I turned in the heat of the moment and took chase on foot. After about 5 steps my senses kicked in to what I was doing and I stopped. The bear died on his feet running only about 25 yards. Several morals to this story. One, give them at least an hour. Two, youth and adrenaline can get you killed. Three, one of the most exciting hunts I've had. The bear hide, complete with 2 blade cut in the cheek, now covers my sons bed at the cottage.