I have a lot of favorite shirts. I try hard to buy American, but sometimes falter in that regard. Woolrich makes a great wool shirt, and some of thier patterns appeal to me. But anymore, if it isn't made in the US, I can't "get behind it".
But if the question is "what is your favorite bowhunting shirt?".....Asbell Wool hands down. Have you ever noticed that there is not another shirt on the market quite like them? Thats because they aren't some re-hashed design first offered to loggers and prospectors a hundred years ago. They are a simple, yet well thought out BOWHUNTERS shirt/jacket. To my eye, they look to be a updated version of a Native American war shirt. No drawstrings, no bulky pockets or buttons to get in the way of a bowstring. And lets not forget...Teresa's in-house "test subject"...Fred...is one of the great bowhunters of our time. Every detail of the pullover shirt (vest too) was discussed and field trialed by Fred. Teresa told me recently that she had to re-do the hood 4 times before it met his approval. A hood...4 times....I'd say thats well thought out.
I know I am preaching to the choir....Teresa mentions often how thrilled she is with the loyalty shown to her design by the Tradgang. But I feel strongly that an Asbell pullover is the best hunting shirt you can buy.
Different subject....check out the Stormy Kromer shirts....not wool, but made in the US, and super quality.