I just bought a new Kmag that had a D97 endless loop string on it. It sounded like a 22 mag when I was shooting it, and it wasn;t due to improper tuning. I really like this bow because it was small and compact, shoots extremely hard, and easy for me to shoot at my 26 inch draw. But, I was seriously never going to hunt with it because nothing would get it quiet.
So I decided to buy and try an SBD string out for it. You hear about how they quieten a bow and make it perform. The SBD string didn't even come close to all the hype.
It Was BETTER. Absolutely took a bow that was so loud and made it whisper quiet. And when I say Whisper, I mean just that. I am a quiet bow freak and this Kmag is as quiet as any long bow I have. It is also pumping the arrow down range faster than the D97 string, which is a real plus. How much faster I do not know but when a quiet bow is noticably faster than a loud bow it has to be substantial for it to be obvious.
And for you guys who are unsure about the skinny string thing, it is much more comfortable to shoot than any of the other strings I have shot. It doesn't roll and it just releases extremely crisp and cleanly. These really are the bombdigity. Give them a try, They are the best string going bar none. I haven't tried them all but my days of looking are over, cause they just can't get any better. You will love'em.
God BLess