Hey Rizzo...here's the story behind "The Guru grip"...
Back in late '96 when I was ordering my first KS, I wanted it to have the same grip as the only other recurve I owned...my original Paul Schafer Silvertip that I'd ordered from Paul back in'86. It's a grip that Paul considered his version of a low wrist. It has a rather small throat circumfrence.
Even though I told him that I shot with a straight wrist, he thought this low wrist would be best for me...Paul knew best!
So when I was time for my KS, I wanted it to have the same grip as my 'Tip.
Here's where my taxidermy experience came in....
I made a cardboard mold around the grip from above the shelf, to about an inch below the grip. out of dental Alginate...the stuff dentists put in youd mouth to make a mold of your teeth.
When I had it built and all holes closed up with tape, except for a pour hole on top, I poured in dental Alginate...
After a few minutes the Alginate set up. I took off the cardboard from around it. Then with a single cut, took the mold off of the riser.
Closed the Alginate mold off on the bottom,then closed up the seam created by the cut.
Next using a pourable mixture of Bondo and Fiberglass resin I poured it into the mold. let it sit till set up good and took off the Alginate fron around it....wa-la!
Perfect duplicate of my 'Tip grip without having to send the whole riser to Canada
Joe sent it off the Jack with my order...
Fast forward to 2007 when I was talking to Jack about another bow he was gonna make for me. I asked him if he needed me to make another bondo grip to send him....
His response was...."I still have your other one"
After 10yrs...he still had my original!
So he made "Cy" with the same grip.
Then as others were sending me pm's and emails from this site and asking me about what kind of grip I had on my bows....I told them about what I'd done...
Jack has made a bunch of bows now with it, both right and left handed versions.
I believe it was first coined by my bud Peter Iacavazzi..."The Guru Grip"
It seems everyone that tries my bow loves it.
So there you have the story....legendary
BTW...."Cy" is all yours after Febuary if you want for a while bud.