A while back I was surfing **** and ran across a really neat quiver the seller called it a BISON STALKING SIDE QUIVER. I didn't win, so I contacted the seller directly. She did have another quiver, so I bought the quiver. The quiver never arrived in the mail. I emailed the seller, she said she would make another and ship it out. So began a several month long delay in getting the quiver due to the seller being unable to make the second quiver for personal reasons. She was very upset about the deal and aplogized profusely. I kept trying to tell her to relax we would work this out and deer season was a long way off. I finally got the quiver in the mail. It is the neatest quiver I've ever seen. All traditional using carved antler and nice leather with excellent workmanship (workwomanship?). Here is a pic
As a surprise the seller included this knife made by her husband from a saw blade. The knife has Osage handle and was very sharp. It will be the knife I use this season. All of the folks I've shown the knife think it is a very nice knife.
After I thanked her for the knife I told her I had seen and drooled over knifes like this on a tradional Archery board. Then I found out the seller was Shell and her husband is Sticshooter
here on TRADGANG. There are good people left in the world, and two of them are right here on Tradgang. Thanks Shell and Sticshooter.