Even with friends at times you just cannot win. A couple of years back I decided to trim the bows down to two left handers and two right handers. At first I was thinking of selling everything and just getting one good bow and just shoot that. In the process I ended up not being sure of the quality of my used stuff, so instead I gave it away to folks that I knew would use it. I gave a Hill bow to one fellow and one of my Hill blank jobs to another. Then wouldn't you know,one day they compared their bows with a chronograph. My blank job was faster and the one that got the free Big Five felt screwed. I had to remind him of the four deer he had taken with it, his first four deer in 12 years of bow hunting. Then he acknowledged that it was a better draw weight for him and thus the better bow of the two for him. It is time again for me to trim the ranks by a couple of bows and I am already getting nervous about it. If someone backs out of a sale, I know it may cause frustration, but it is not worth demonizing someone over, times and finances are variable and tough for some folks. I have been there and I may be there again, besides it is fun helping out those in need, most of the time they really appreciate a little help. Is a friend worth the price of a used bow or some arrows? Every time.