Just to lighten the mood... I had to smile reading about "don't read the rules"...well, heck man, we're guys! We don't ask for directions and we don't read direction prior to assembly...! :rolleyes: Just ask about any woman!
What makes you think guys will read "rules"!?
To the quality of Classified Transactions:
I'd echo that my dealings here in classifieds have been sterling. Bought expensive binocs YEARS ago and the guy sent them immediately before he got my check! Amazing.
I've sold some bows...just a spare few that were too stout for me anymore...and got great comments on my packaging. That makes me smile!
But Biggie, I echo your overall observations and have typed it here before--- we're drawing an ever broadening group of converts to "Trad". I see it at local shoots... people's values are way different...not just "honesty" but also in "consideration for others".
People being drunk where formally, no booze is allowed, but quiet consumption is tolerated among mature individuals... and those who were drunk were also rude, crude and loud and drove a friend and his family home being camped near them! Once alerted, the organizers escorted those folks off the premises.
People used to get up and leave "your fire" when you stood up and said it was time for bed, but now, they just stay laughing and joking to the wee hours and burning up YOUR wood! With you trying to sleep 20' away!?
Never saw that the first 15-20 yrs I was hitting trad shoots. Never!
People leaving their drivel all around your campsite for you to move and clean up before you can even make your own breakfast, or you come back and find a mess and have to clean up before you can do your own lunch, under your own tarp and clean off your tables, etc.
With a greater cross section of society engaging in trad shooting, you get a broader band of social norms and beliefs.
As with preserving quality trout water, you recruit more supporters, who then crowd into the same stretch of water you used to have to yourself!
There is a razor's edge between preserving a desired endeavor and it "catching on" and moving off it's previous center!