I've had more than a few interactions on this site with Cody (MT ARROW) and would say that I find him honorable and respectful. Loosing a "friends" trust is probably worse than a sale gone awry. :(
That leaves one other incident Biggie had that moved him to post... an impulse buyer who reniged.
There seems to be a line drawn in all this: Pro and Con. I think we all agree Biggie was rightfully irritated at 2 deals gone sour. They can shake a man's faith in his fellow man.
But we didn't know the whole truth and Biggie chose NOT to give a lot of specifics but seemed to come here simply to 'vent' to his 'family' about trad values going beyond a style of weapon. Amen.
In one case, someone trying to do a sweet thing for his Sweethang, went awry due a a "non-friend's" lack of integrity.
In the other case of Biggie's, from his brief post, the guy reniged after the fact. There is that pressure on the Classifieds to "jump, froggy, Jump" (no pun intended Lanier)
or it will be gone!
Someone in these 6 pages mentioned how easy it is to get sucked into the "impulse" buy on the net.
Doesn't excuse the behavior, Maturity demands honor too, but it does suggest a lack of rancor or premeditated malice.
That MAY (can't read another's mind thru a post)so I'm guessing but it MAY have been where someone stepped up to suggest we don't "judge" in advance.
Only Mr. Hoffman truly holds that right to hold bad feelings as he is the one hosed on these deals.
I now hope that our own Officer in AK can recoup his lost funds from his "friend" and that Biggie can re-sell quickly the items and recoup his revenue.
Peace out.