Thought I would do a little "How To" while I did this for people that were interested. I see things better with pictures, so maybe this will help a bit. This was not my idea, so I can not take credit for the idea.
Materials needed:
*8/32 Threaded Rod
*File for the threaded rod after cutting to length
*8-32 NC Tap
*Blue Loc Tite
*Side cutting pliers or Dremel
*Your aluminum inserts
First step is to tap your inserts. I started at the threaded end, screw the tap in an continue to thread until tap is all the way through your insert
The next step is to cut your threaded rod to whatever weight your looking for. I cut several for those that don't have a grain scale I cut a 1", 1.5", 2", and 2.5" piece of rod.