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Author Topic: Whats going on with Cloverdale?  (Read 1143 times)

Offline griffin73

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Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« on: February 01, 2012, 12:26:00 PM »
When is it? And i heard its nothing like it used to be, did something happen, use to be one of the best around ive been told.
kenneth r griffin

Offline twigflicker

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2012, 12:34:00 PM »
It's always the second full weekend of June... thus June 8, 9 , 10, 2012

The attendance has been down, but like any orgainzation, they all have their ebbs and flows...

I believe when they were basically the only game in town, the month of June, it reigned supreme.  

When Compton's began their rendevous the following weekend (always Father's Day weekend) it drew some people to it... as many can't do both so they choose the newer venue, having been there done that at Cloverdale.

I've heard it said, that Cloverdale's range is one of the best if not the best in set up, etc.

I've been to both and had a great time at both... bummer is I've never shot either course... to busy looking for bows... HA!

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2012, 12:42:00 PM »
Cloverdale is a wonderful shoot. But it seems that it is always plaged with bad thunderstorms! They should either move the date forward or backward. But they never do and I think that is a big reason it is not growing. No one I know enjoys fighting mud for two days. JMO.

Offline Flinttim

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2012, 01:09:00 PM »
I think Comptons is hurting them a lot. A different date would likely get more people there and more people= $$$. Comptons is the big dog and they won't change. Why fight them ? Just change the date.Or stay the same and fade away.
Genesis 27:3 Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison;

Offline griffin73

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2012, 01:33:00 PM »
Where is Compton?
kenneth r griffin

Offline lablover

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2012, 01:49:00 PM »
Compton's is in Berrien springs, Michigan at the Berrien springs sportsmens club. Great shoot. Never could make it to cloverdale, but understand its also a great do. Wish they would change dates so I could make both.
Bowhunting is a passion, not an obsession. Its just hard for my wife to tell the difference sometimes.

Offline ECRESS

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2012, 03:17:00 PM »
A hoosier here i made it to Cloverdale last year for first time. It was great but i was told it was half what it was before. I'll be back this year.

Offline ishoot4thrills

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2012, 03:44:00 PM »
Went to Cloverdale last year for the first time. Great shoot and lots of vendors. We had a great time.
58" JK Traditions Kanati Longbow
Ten Strand D10 String
Kanati Bow Quiver
35/55 Gold Tip Pink Nugents @ 30"
3 X 5" Feathers
19.9% FOC
49# @ 26.75"
165 FPS @ 10.4 GPP (510 gr. hunting arrow)
171 FPS @ 9.7 GPP (475 gr. 3D arrow)
3 Fingers Under

Online Mike Bolin

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2012, 07:06:00 PM »
Maybe PJ will jump on here as he has the figures for sure. I BELIEVE that he told me that the actual number of registered shooters has dropped by around 150 give or take............BUT that still means over 500 shooters on the competitive course. I have only missed one shoot at Cloverdale and I was on a bear hunt then. When Cloverdale started it was about the only game in town. As the interest in traditional archery has grown, so has the number of shoots. With more options to chose from and the economy being what it is, a lot of folks are choosing to hit a shoot closer to home.
I do know that the vendor numbers are down and I feel that is due to the poor economy as much as anything.

Compton is the weekend after Cloverdale and it draws A LOT of vendors. Of all the trips I have made to Compton, I have went mostly to shop and visit with friends form other parts of the country. Have only shot the course a couple of times. Nothing against the Berrien Springs courses, as they are very nice, but I go to Compton to shop, visit and relax and I go to Cloverdale to shoot.

This year, I am pretty sure is Cloverdale's 25th anniversary. From a completely selfish point of view, I am glad the crowd is down a bit at Cloverdale. Less waiting in line and the campground isn't packed. I have shot most of the "big" trad shoots and I feel Cloverdale has the absolute best range set up of all I have been to. Those guys work their tails off!! If you've never been to Cloverdale or Compton, put them on your calender! Mike
Bodnik Quick Stick 60", 40#@28"
Osage Selfbow 62", 47#@28
Compton Traditional Bowhunters

Offline Covey

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2012, 07:28:00 PM »
I'm going to both Cloverdale and Compton this year. It is usually a mess at Cloverdale..but a little mud never hurt anybody. Probably do some people good to get dirty. :0)


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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2012, 07:30:00 PM »
We talked to PJ over the weekend he is planning some big things for this year for the 25th Anniversary. Plans are in progress for this June
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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2012, 07:43:00 PM »
Plan on being there always a good time !

Offline zipper bowss

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2012, 07:53:00 PM »
If I could only make one shoot per year it would be Cloverdale! I mean to shoot not to go as a vendor.In my openion there is no better course for putting arrows down range!Several times I have considered leaving the Zipper booth at home and just going to play.

Offline John Scifres

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2012, 08:02:00 PM »
I've been to the last 13 Cloverdales.  Only 2 were so muddy that it was uncomfortable.  Last year we had storms but it didn't get near as those other 2 years.  That is one advantage of the lower camper numbers.  I would say it's about 25% fewer campers but shooters are still a lot.  Personally, the heydays were overcrowded for the campgrounds.
Take a kid hunting!

TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline dnovo

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2012, 08:04:00 PM »
Cloverdale is awesome. The best overall course I have ever shot.
Gas pricers and the economy are affecting how much I can travel to events like this. And because of that I can do Cloverdale instead of Compton as a 4 hr drive beats 9 hours.
I plan on being there this year and hopefully with a couple guys who have never been
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Offline Mike Yancey

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2012, 09:54:00 PM »
Im with Bill on this one, I have a blast shooting the Cloverdale course. Over the years Cloverdale has been my best show many times so I still support it. We will go to Compton again this year as well but there is no better place to shoot than Cloverdale. I have never shot it for a score but shoot it as a vendor after the range closes. The guys do a great job putting the shoot on.
 Things change and it seems like nothing is as good as it used to be no matter where you go. I look forward to all the events and all the people I see at them every year.
 If you want to have more fun than you can stand go to OJAM in March and make your self a selfbow. Those guys in Oklahoma know how to put on an event, bet there is!

Offline tecum-tha

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2012, 10:28:00 PM »
Cloverdale is a great shoot, but it is the same weekend as the first weekend of the National Muzzleloading Rifle Spring National shoot in Friendship,IN. Aside from primitive archery matches, the first weekend of the NMLRA spring shoot is the weekend where the good deals are still available and all the vendors are there as well. The second weekend is just pretty slow when it comes to vendors, because many already left wednesday.   The bad thing is, that there are quite a few dates, where there are two sometimes even three different interesting events and then there is nothing for 2-3 wekks, then again 2 events on the same weekend.

Offline BigJim

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2012, 07:59:00 AM »
We do both Cloverdale and Compton and wouldn't mis either. Seems to be a very good croud at Cloverdale although I have only been going for what will be our fourth year.
We attend many shoots and suffer many days of poor weather, but it doesn't seem to slow the crouds down much. They expect it, plan for it, and if they don't get the bad weather, they have something new to talk about.

Cloverdale is high on our list and Lord willing, we will be there for many years to come.
thanks, bigjim
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Offline randy grider

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #18 on: February 02, 2012, 03:50:00 PM »
The rain and mud is to be expected at Cloverdale, just part of the fun. They have an excellent range with realistic setups, and enough vendors to meet you're needs. Last year was the nicest weather ever at cloverdale.
its me, against me.

Offline camocowboy

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Re: Whats going on with Cloverdale?
« Reply #19 on: February 02, 2012, 05:45:00 PM »
I play at a lot of events and know many of the vendors. More than one have told me they were not going back to Cloverdale because they were having product stolen by thieves.

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