I had a conversation today that lead me to this post.
I've posted about this before, but figured I'd take the time to post again as I'm not sure how long it would take me to find what I posted.
When you get an email from an Admin from Trad Gang....PLEASE remember to read the email in a FRIENDLY manner instead of a chastising one. It is WAY to easy to assume that we/TradGang are typing down at folks when we are not.
Once someone thinks we are typing that way, they respond in the same manner and it is obvious that their email has an edge to it....and depending on our day and frustration factor, we sometimes fall on our face and then DO type back in a negative tone. Then, things get out of hand and its not good for the member or Trad Gang.
We aren't perfect, and sometimes may not type in the correct way to make SURE you know we are not negative...most times we are in a hurry as we have real jobs and families to tend to also....so we could easily not carry out our duties in the correct manner to avoid misunderstandings.
This occurrence I dealt with today was a total misunderstanding of the typed word by an Admin, and this lead us to temporarily lose a member.
The email contained the phrase " NO NO NO,...you can't do that"...to be read in a manner of a kid sticking a bobby pin into an outlet....NOT 'NO NO NO' with a finger in the members face like the member read it.
So, please remember, we are not out to 'piss folks off' in we feel there is an infraction, we are trying to inform you of the rules and what we go through here to keep the site on course.
It saddens me to think how many of these correspondence have gone wrong and caused folks to have left the site.
If you think you might have been in the middle of a miss understanding some time in the past between an admin....please feel free to contact me so we can get it ironed out.
Thanks for listening..........