I just wanted to share some pics of a new 50oz. Antidote Reservoir by Camelbak. I needed a bladder for my new to me First Trip Explorer from Bison Gear. I searched and found Camelbak just introduced this smaller water bladder. I just went down to our local hiking, camping, climbing and skiing store called Sunlight Sports. They had them in stock for $30.00 and they fit perfect in the side pocket. I mean perfect like it was made for it zipped it up to the hose ready to rock and roll.
Water is esential in these parts but until now it was mostly big bladders 100oz. or bigger. Even when I carry a bigger pack I hate to carry all that weight in water. So the bladder is uasally half full just taking up space. We carry light weight pumps and can fill our bladders in any small trickle in the mountains. It is way better to carry the small pump than a ton of water. Also these systems are compatable with disconnects to punp water in to the bladder with out having to take it out of the pack. Just connect pump hose to bladder hose and filler up.
I have found stores like Sunlight Sports here in Cody WY to be essential for quality back country gear. They are more geared hor hikers than hunters but they really have some nice stuff to make back country a little more enjoyable. I remembered the first time I stuck my head in there I turned up my nose and went granolas I am out of here. Since then I met the owners and Wes has really turned me on to great gear. My Jet Boil is one them. So I hope This helps some of you out and if you need some thing that may not be local give Wes at Sunlight Sports a call and tell him I sent you. Here are pics if the nice fit for smaller packs.
Just a real nice size!
Fit perrfect.
Zips up to the hose perfectly!