The light rain stopped and the woods were so quiet. A stalker's dream! Now I don't know about you, but I don't want to be in the woods when it's poring rain, but I SURE want to be there when the rain stops. It's like a switch is flipped, and the animals come out of the woodwork
So with all the time in the world, good soft carpet under my feet, and an open season on bushytails I got to huntin'. The first few stalks were perfect, but the shots were not. Finally I caught one looking the other way on the ground and let him have it. Man they are tough critters...but I picked up the boar squirrel and made my way into a stand of giant oaks on my place.
The action was hot and heavy, I had at least 10 shots, lost one of my 3 fletched flu-flus (how does that happen?), and limped back home with one good arra, one busted arra, and one MIA. I couldn't bring myself to bust up my purty woodies, so I put Steadman's arras to work he had sent me awhile back.
Oh yea, I wasn't empty handed...

Had a great time chasin' these critters and can't wait to make some bushytail dumplins' for the family. When I got back home my son met me at the door wide-eyed. I said "How was that chocolate?"...I got slugged in the arm and hugged, told "good job" and "I am stayin' next time!" For a wet old man that sounded pretty good.

Big thanks to Steadman for the arras, Mr Chad Holm for the fine bow, Ace Blunts for the business end, and God for allowing me to live in a place where a man can roam with a longbow and just relax.