The down bags will always be lighter and the higher the loft- typically 800,650,and 550 fill- with the 800 being the lightest but also the most expensive.
The very lightest bags will a less durable shell so its a bit of a tradeoff.
It helps to know what type of a sleeper you are when selecting these bags. For example, I'm a warm sleeper that cooks in a quality 15-20 degree bag in moderate temps. My Montbell 30 deg bag is perfect for me down to about 15 deg if I'm in a tent. Most guys go with a 20 deg rating. All rating are not equal. I had a cheap down bag with 20 deg rating that was good to maybe 50 deg.
You have to have a good insulated pad when using a down bag due to the loft being essentially nothing on the underside.
The best manufacturers of quality down bags are Valendre, Western Mountaineering, Feathered friends, Montbell, Marmot and maybe a couple others. There is no such thing as a good cheap down bag.
Some of the ultra light bags only come with a 1/2zip. I like the full zip to vent in warmer conditions.
Down does loose its insulating properties when wet and then some of the waterproof outer shells don't breath as they should creating a buildup of moisture that cannot escape. I've heard good and bad with these goretex style outer shells.
Many of those good bags can be found on sale in the off season for 40-50% off on sites like Campmoor, Campsaver, Backpacking light, etc