Set out today to put in one more hunt, as our deer season is soon to close on the 15th. While out the last couple of times I had located a trail that connected between two green fields and there was a particular oak that was still showing some signs of activity.
So I set up my Lone Wolf climber at its base and judging by it girth and the girth of the tree where I was going to be at once climbed I new that it would be close to level or a little under. I hate to have my stand leaning down below level but sometimes the trees base dictates how tight you can adjust the straps.
Now here the part that I don’t want you to do that I did
Funny how a seat become so small, well, after a few minutes I was able to get her pulled back up and re-secured no easy task I might add working from a sitting position cocked over sideways from 12’ up!
Now in this case the strap stayed in the tube and I was able to secure the locking cam but if that strap had came all the way would of been a different story here.
So here at the end of most states hunting season one more lesson on tree stand safety.
1. Alway use a safety harness
2. Never violate the manufactures warnings.
3. Never get complacent.
4. Never get caught up in the losing game of “I got by last time” There will be a time you lose!
And by the way i’ve noticed this is my 1000 post fitting it would be on safety, ok carry on