David and Troy are absolutely correct. While there are arrow setups that will breach the ribs on the Asian buffalo with a 100% frequency, even from very light draw weight bows, that DOES NOT mean that they are all fully adequate for sport hunting the Asian buffalo. Post-breaching penetration has to be considered.
For a setup to be 'adequate' for any big game it has to give complete thorax-traversing penetration AFTER breaching the entrance side ribs, from all rerasonable shooting angles. If you read through the reports you will find this stressed over and over. My best recommendation is to use the heaviest draw weight bow you can handle with arrow setups incorporating as many of the penetration enhancing factors as possible, and with as much arrrow weight as acceptable trajectory permits.
That said, there are arrow setups that will give a 100% breaching rate on the heavy bones of the Asian buffalo, even with a bow drawing as little as 40#@27". Those were all arrows with a weight above the heavy bone threshold with high-MA single-bevel broadheads. All were also in the EFOC/Ultra-EFOC range, but that's because those were the type of setups being tested in 2007-2008. The amount of FOC has NO EFFECT on the bone breaching rate but it does significantly enhance the amount of post-breaching penetration achieved. It would have been nice to be able to test Ultra-EFOC arrows from both the 54# and 40# bows, but probably won't get to do that one now.
You won't find the specific chart I presented at Kzoo in the updates. It showed a cumulation of the 2007-2008 testing to demonstarte that there are, indeed, true bone-breaking arrows; setups that can be relied upon to breach a heavy bone. With 169 consecutive shots breaching not only the entrance side ribs but also the scapula and spine on animals as sizable as these buffalo, even when bow draw-weight was very modest and the shooting angle was oblique, it's pretty difficult to maintain that 'no arrow is a bone-breaker', or 'no arrow can be relied upon to break a heavy bone'.
In an emergency situation, yes, I would take on those buffalo with that arrow setup and the 40# bow, and a good number of the shots would achieve lethal post-breaching penetration, but it definitely is not what one wants to sport hunt a buffalo with. There's a difference between 'can do' and 'will do' performance. Those arrows from the 40# bow demonstrated 'will do' bone-breaching performance on the buffalo, but it only showed 'can do' performance on post-breaching penetration. A good buffalo bow/arrow combination needs to show 'will do' performance on both.