I have looked and not found anything. I would love a 450 spine carbon. I think a lot of people could use them for more options. With my draw length, bow center cut, and draw weight, I can’t quiet work with the 500 without it getting under 8 gpp. I can shoot them in an ILF bow for targets, but not my wood bows. I could drop a little bow weight, build out the side plate a lot and/or maybe cut my shafts shorter than I would for a hunting arrow, but I like to shoot the same bow for everything and not have to mess with side plates to go from target to hunting set-up. With the 400 shaft I end up with an arrow just over 600 gr., 23% FOC, and 12 gpp. It is a great shooting hunting arrow. I have a target arrow with a longer shaft and lighter point, but I don’t care for a lot of extra shaft out front; for some reason I don’t shoot as well with them. I would rather have what I think is a great hunting arrow at my preferred shaft length than a 8-9 gpp target arrow and have to build a 14 gpp hunting arrow as the only other option for a preferred arrow length carbon hunting arrow.