It would be Pretty Darn good for Blinding a Pesky Intruder in Your Darkened House though! Thats a Fine Idea and Construction Projest! I am Interested in it!!
I keep one of my Shorter Recurves Strung and a Arrow not far to Snuff just such a DirtBag!! Not that I am
"Loaded" by
ANY STRETCH of the Imagination
BUT I figure more detour anything. I have a Lazer hooked onto Mine, that is reason for a Wee Bit of Peace of Mind too!! What I have isnt Worth Much to Anyone
BUT Me, BUT.... What I
DO Have is
MINE!! Things I have Worked Hard to Aquire, ya know?? And Damned if I let some Creep Mosey in here, Whoop the Snot outta Me so he can Take the things I have Earned throuught my Life!!
Ok, Soap Box is put away now, but seriously, if ya shoot em and they fall out the Door,
THINK FAST!! If he isnt Dead, he and his "Fam Damily" will
SUE YOU!! for
"ALL" Your Hard Work, and because
HE got a
BOO-BOO trying to Steal You Blind!!
THAT is Our Tax Dollars at Work, Right??