I was a personal trainer at Gold's Gym in Worcester, Ma. A couple of things I've learned about client's priorities: A gym membership costing 600.00 a year is far from necessary.
You have everything you need at your house right now if you have stairs and 1 gallon water jugs. The rest is up to you as to how far you want to go.
All the available programs are pretty good, BUT....for someone brand new to training, money spent does not equal results. Commit yourself first to simple at home routines. If you succeed, then go further. If you dont, dont spend money on gym memberships, muscle building equipment, etc.
Here's the SIMPLEST routine ever for at home. If you commit to this, you will be ready for further progress. If you can't commit to this, don't waste your money.
For bow strengthening/general fitness:
Use your stairs. Doesnt matter how many...3 or 30. Initially go up and down stairs until you start to lose breath. Write down how many times you went up and down.
Pick a time of day to do this, and stick to it no matter what. Each day try and increase by 3 steps. No sweat if you cant, but try. Record your progress. Eventually you will find yourself able to spend considerable time on those stairs. Increase resistance by carrying water jugs.
No 5000.00 treadmill needed. Stairs are an INCREDIBLE stamina builder.
Strength for pulling a bow:
Yes, pulling a bow is the best strength builder BUT..you would need several bows of increasing weight to do what you want.
Sure, use your bow, but in the mean time...take two full 1 gallon water jugs 1 in each hand. sit in a chair and lean over your lap so your face is looking at the floor. Your arms are hanging at your sides, water jugs touching the floor.
Lift your arms up and out to the sides like a bird with spread wings while holding the water jugs. If you cant, pour out some water.
When arms are up and out to the sides, count to three and then slowly lower. Repeat for three times at first, then work your way up to ten times. When ten is easy, start holding the bottles at arms length longer. 3-5 seconds, 5-10 seconds, etc.
When this gets easy, start filling the jugs with nuts and bolts, sand, etc.
EXCELLENT exercise to strengthen the trapezius and rear delts needed to draw and hold a bow. Eventually you can buy a couple of dumbells if needed.
In between, draw and hold your bow...no arrow... for three to ten seconds at full draw. If you cannot hold your bow at anchor for several seconds...you are over bowed my friend, like it or not. Work your way up to it. Draw and hold several times EVERY day. You will be amazed at your accuracy when you can draw and hold your bow at full anchor for ten seconds or more.
If you have the funds for a gym or weights...seated rows, one arm bent over dumbell rows, seated flys, barbell shrugs, etc. all build those tough upper back , rear deltoid muscles needed for drawing a bow.
I worked my way up from an average 55# bow to being able to draw and hold my 76# Silvertip for ten seconds at full draw doing just this.
When I finally drew back on my first bison, it was effortless. Drew and held till he stepped out.
Give it a shot, its cheap and will test your dedication before investing in a total fitness routine. Over 50% of clients did not commit to their very expensive gym memberships. Ouch!