two4hooking if you grind down the rounded edges of the blunt case, maybe, but now youre back to step one with basically a broadhead. Yes there is a blunt surface on the SGH but for some reason the configuration of that head provides a perfect combo of what I call shocktrauma. If I get my photobucket working again I will post a pic of a pair of birds hit square in the breast. The head punched a hole about the size of a quarter and about a half inch deep then bounced out. Those birds dropped like a rock and I just cut that quarter out and enjoyed a great meal (Jack Daniels grilled pheas, google it, its my new fav game recipe.) Anyway, with pheas in flite I would worry about hitting them first and salvaging the meat later. The hook on the SGH greatly increases the # of birds I take cause it grabs a hold, digs in and slices them open. I stopped using broadheads because many times they actually deflected off leg bones and quill feathers The SGH hold up very well when used for pheas in flite with flu flus cause they parachute to the ground and dont take a beating.