Originally posted by John Krause:
Had a good time Sat at the pheasant hunt. I think one thing we all learned is that you MUST have an arrow on the bow when you come to full draw and release........ It ups your odds tremendously.
lol, i was hoping with all that walking you would have forgotten about that. My arm is bruised from my elbow to my wrist this am.
to learn from my mistake, i came up to shoot at this pheasant really fast,i was staring up at this pheasant with my bow down at my side as i bruoght the bow up i was still looking at the bird, i didnt realize the the arrow was caught and stayed in the grass, i realized it about the time i was realeasing. my string smacked my arm so hard it basically knocked my over.
talk about not seeing the arrow while shooting instincttively!!!!!!
ahhhh memories, anyway the guys got a kick out of it so it was all good and my bow seems unharmed, and my bruises will diminish with time(hopefully)