Accuracy comes from shooting the same set-up, bow, arrow combination over and over. Each bow has its own character to it and shooting characteristics. I have been in that cycle of constant change for 5 yrs. New bows, different arrows, etc. Talk to people that shoot well and you will see a common thread. They shoot the same setup year after year. I have shot my best in years past by being "content" and knowing where my bow was going to shoot. That is all I shot, one bow and arrow setup. Am I content? Maybe that is not the right word. In finding a setup that works, a bow and arrow combination that is appealing to me, and sticking with it, I see that I am having more accurate days than days of frustration. I am enjoying the discipline of one way of shooting, one method, style, equipment choice. In bowhunting, confidence is a big key in taking game. Being so "intune" with your style and equipment that you can shoot out of habit, without thought on the mechanics, helps greatly with taking game. Constant change is what has hindered me for many years. Changing form all the time is not productive to accurate shooting. Changing bows all the times has the same effect. Only golfers appear to tinker as much as archers. I have overthought my equipment and form for years. Most of the time when a shooting issues arises after we have been shooting well it is a mistake in basic form, a poor habit, not an equipment issue. But, what if I ....
Nope, I will stick with what I have and resist that urge to tinker.