I'm testing my "photo posting" capabilities here on TG. I thought i would post this doe i killed back in October out of the biggest live oak tree i have ever laid eyes on. as soon as my buddy showed me this tree on his land I said," I got to kill a deer while standing inside that thing!".
Well, the live oak acorns started raining and it was like a dinner bell . i made the 2x4 ladder a few days before and put it up to let the deer get used to it. the first morning i sat ,after about an hour and a half, here comes 2 big does and a yearling. well, at first i thought the deer were going to see me bc i was standing inside the "bowl" where all the limbs branch out (which is maybe 9 feet high), but i thought to myself theres no way they can because i'm engulfed inside the biggest tree within who knows how many miles.
The lead doe feeds around and is 5 steps but facing me by the time she is "in the clear". well at least 5 min go by and still facing me. waited and waited and finally she turned and I let the 55# Robertson Fatal Styk fling the 250Gr Tree Shark at 7 steps for a clean pass thru. They all take off and knew it was a good hit but didnt hear any crashing bc they ran into a pine thicket. Although i could see blood from my "perch" i decided to get down and wait an hour or so before i went and looked. After tracking 60 yds, she piled up. it was a great day and even better to get her out of the biggest tree stand i have ever hunted out of!
I cannot begin to tell you how big that tree is. the second pic shows some of its size to scale although i wish i could tell you a correct diameter in inches (or feet for that matter). anyway , thought y'all would enjoy!
P.S. hope my pics are resized correctly. if not, mods please let me know and i'll try again.. And i apologize