Wow, what a great time at Ocmulgee.It was fantastic meeting everyone and sharing the experience.I left Thursday morning and arrived home at midnight. I saw no snow until I got to Erwin township were I live.Tried to spend some time with each and every member of the hunt, but of course that was not possible. I did get to hunt with RC, Chris, Paul,Darren and Todd.RC and I got on pigs Thur. afternoon, but the wind and the hogs didn't cooperate.Paul and I spent one afternoon hunting a hot trail along the one creek in section one, but found no hogs. We did see Turkeys and two rabbits and a squirrel. That was a great hunt Paul, we had the wind staying in our face and we're expecting to see a hog at the next bend in the trail.Chris and I also had a good hunt in a promising looking area between the swamp and bedding areas of thick brush with fresh pig sign along the travel corridor we were hunting. We too were hoping to see or hear pigs as we effectively hunted slowly and diligently along. Again, no pigs materialized despite our best efforts.Yes the hunting was tough as the end of a pressure ridden pig season drew to an end.The best part of the hunt was meeting all my new friends and making memories that will forever be engrained in my spirit as well as my mind. Thank you to everyone for making this gathering not just a hunt or a gathering, but a special time. More to follow...................