Almost right from the first step from the jeep, I found fresh tracks. I couldn't believe my luck, and I didn't waist any time, but started deciphering the tracks. Down across the bottom corner of the field they went, ending along the edge of the field, between there and the woods. The tracks went into the woods and then came back into the field. A little further ahead, I found more fresh tracks, going into the woods and then back in the field. What should I do now, I thought, where did they go, are they near or have they moved on.
It was then I heard it, a pig grunt. I couldn't tell exactly from which direction it had come, but the pig was close, like within 30 yds. close.I strained my ears for another directive, but heard nothing. I was sure the grunt had come from the woods, as I looked down wind. I didn't want to get ahead of their nose, that would end my hunt for sure.I back peddled to get down wind and into the woods. I worked my way into the woods as I lisened for pigs. Going no more than 10 or 15 yrds., i stoped and surveyed the situation. Just sit down and use your ears Dave, I told myself. It seemed like forever, but then I heard it again, a grunt, and a faint squeal. Now I new where they were, they were in the field.
Keeping my ears tuned, I entered the field. I only went about 10 yrds. in and I squatted down to listen again. As soon as I croached ,the pig grunted again. They were right in front of me laying in the bushes, not more than five yds. away. Wow, success, I had found my pig and she layed at my lap.
I once again weighed my options, but I really didn't have to many, all I could do was wait and hope the wind stayed on my side. I watched the bushes to see where and how many pigs might be there.A little time invested told me it was a lone sow with three or four shoats. I watched the bushes move and saw pieces and glimpses of pigs for what must have been 3/4 of an hour- or so it seemed.My head was reeling as I tried to think of a way to fool my target. I thought maybe I could throw a stick or rock and jostle her position, but there was nothing to throw. I wasn't sure that was such a good idea anyway, and resolved to wait. It was all I could do was wait, or back out in hopes I could catch her leaving the field. All she had to do was get up and step left or right a couple of steps. If she did, she would be mine.
A couple of times the shoats would make an apperance were I could have shot them, but they were only 7 or 8 bls. in size. It was mama I wanted. I thought about rushing her, but didn't like that option either. I knew whatever the outcome, my hunt had been a success. I found my pig in the brushy clear cut, and could almost tackle her and stab her to death with my knife. And thats the way it ended, as the wind finally betrayed me. She caught my scent and rushed off with her shoats. It was ok, I felt satisfied I did my best. The real trophy is in my memory banks. Thank you Ocmulgee.