I am coming in Late to this Party, as usual, but Terry I Agree with You 100%!! I guess I am not as "HardCore" a Hunter as some, but I TRY.
Yes, I came from Compounds, BUT My Very First Experiences were with a Recurve, and I have NEVER Lost that Love of that Arrow going where I wanted it to go!! I admit, as a BowHunter, My "Tally" of Killed Critters is ZIP, but that doesnt mean I am going to Give Up!!
This WebSite has been a God-Send to Me!! I have Learned a GREAT Many Things that I wouldnt have otherwise. From ALL of the Friendly Folks that are More than Willing to Share their Knowledge, well, I couldnt have Asked for Better!!
I Feel that TradGang is a FAMILY, and I Always Have!! People of LikeMind Helping OTHER People to Enjoy this Sport/Lifestyle/Passion, label it however you Please. It All Amounts to the same thing!!
Terry, You and the Mods have your Plates full just trying to get some of Us to Play Nice, or to Gently Direct Us to the Correct "Topic" for our Questions!! You ALL do a Fine Job, and I am Proud to be a TradGanger!!
Just My Opinion of Course, but You ALL are Doing a Great Job, and Sometimes WE need a Kick in the arse to Remind Us WHY We Love TradGang the way We Do!! Thank YOU for CARING!!