I've never got one on a trail camera but did run across a track once.I'm not right in the heart of wolverine country but not far from it.Montana is the only state in the lower 48 where it is still legal to take them and they limit it to 5 statewide.
In this country they are found almost exclusively above 7,500 feet in elevation and only in the mountainous western part of the state.I have talked to several people who have encountered them while bowhunting elk.Wolverine season isn't in,at that time.
They are quite an incredible animal,always hungry,always on the move.They seem to be able to find something dead from a long distance.They have been known to dig 8' down through avalanche snow to get at dead sheep or goats.
It is a puzzle to me how they make a living here,in winter,at elevations of 7,500' to 10,000',but they do it.