I made a resolution this year to learn how to build a string. With the help of this site, I built a string jig, and learned the basics of building a string. I posted a few weeks ago about help with choosing a material and wtpops generously offered to send me some D97 he wasn't going to use. I got it last night and ended up making three strings.
I can definitely see that it's a learning process. The first string was horrible. It was 4 inchs too short and the bundles did not lay together at all (too much countertwist). The second one turned out a little better, but it was too long and the loops were way too big. The third one turned out ok and I think it's actually usable. It's no where close to the quality that some of the pros on here can do, but I'm happy with it (being that it's only the thrid one I've made).
Just wanted to say thanks again to wtpops and everyone who adds to the great knowledge base here at TG. This place and it's members are the best!