This is a repeat of a contest that we held a year or so ago. I had a lot of fun, we got some great photos, and someone got an opportunity to show their photos and win a prize. Judges haven't yet been decided but you can bet they'll be the cream of the crop. There will be several prizes as listed. The requirements are:
1) It has to show the EFA bow quiver prominently.
2) It has to be in good taste.
3) Preferably it's a hunting photo.
4) EFA has the right to use these photos.
Prizes are:
1) Choice of any EFA quiver we make.
2) An EFA armguard in choice of 3 colors.
3) An EFA tab with cordovan or calfhair,
backing, palm pad, and O-ring. Available
in 3 under or split fingers.
Well, there you have it. We'll have the judges on board in a couple of days. There were some great photos last time and I'm looking forward to seeing them again. Thanks!