Well, it's time we should make a decision now. These photos were so good that it made the judging very difficult. Each of the 3 judges (Killdeer, Pat B., and me) rated what each of us thought were the best five photos. After 1st and 2nd place there was no consensus on any other photo. Obviously we will just list all of these photos as tying for 3rd place. They will each be awarded an armguard or tab.
So here they are:
1st place is Ron LaClair with Larry Myers and a nice buck. Great photography.
2nd place is Guru with Cade in the 1st photo with a bullfrog on his arrow.
3rd place are, Arrowest with a nice buck, Prairie Drifter with bow quiver and arrows, Robtatto with a Wildabeast, Guru with kids in the woods, David Spears still life with a fireplace, bow quiver, and a cool drink, House with bow and tackle on rocks in the high mountains, Kip with a nice bear, Fritz with a nice buck, and Guru with Cade and two nice pheasants.
So there it is. 1st and 2nd place get an EFA quiver of their choice. Those tied for 3rd get their choice of an armguard, or tab. I'll wait for you to send a pm or email with your address.
This was a lot more work for Killdeer and Pat B. then they probably expected. Let's let them know that you appreciated what they did.