What is the closest you have had a deer, or other game animal, and been able to pull off a shot?
Closest for me was not that close, I'm usually in a tree and like them out a bit from the base for a better shot angle. About ten yards is my closest. I really like hunting from the ground though, and intend to do it more in the future. Very intense. I have yet to get one from the ground and usually get busted. I hope to remedy that soon.
A recent thread on the big archery site rubbed me the wrong way. It was about the longest shot you had made on a deer or other game animal. The whole idea seemed to be the opposite of what bowhunting is about. Lots of chest pounding answers about 60-70 yard and longer shots that sounded more like luck than skill and certainly showing less than good judgement. There were a few sensible posts but they got lost in the idiocy. The whole thread seemed to epitomize the disturbing trend in archery hunting the last few years.