I messed up a shot on a stalk this past season on a 160" whitetail. I was hunting on the ground and had the buck I had patterned walk into the treeline I was sitting in. Instead of the normal route that he took back to his bedding area, he turned behind a brush pile... I relocated anticipating him coming out into the open trail about twenty yards away. As it turned out, he somehow negotiated through the brush piles and ended up looking "through" me at five yards. I rushed the shot and hit a limb, grazing him. Drew blood, but he was fine afterwards. The night before, I had him at about ten yards on the ground, but he needed to take about three more steps for me to make the shot. The wind had just shifted a couple of minutes earlier, as it does frequently just at sundown. He winded me and turned and walked across an open field directly away from me. It is hard to believe a deer of that caliber was making that many mistakes. I saw him walk slowly across an open winter wheat field four days in a row during the rut. Not a care in the world. Gun season opened, and I never had the opportunity to hunt him again. I would be surprised if he is still around after the gun season.