Originally posted by Old Chief: A better question would be: who doesn't?
Originally posted by Killdeer: Up until last Christmas my phone would only store three speed folks, and no lists or anything. Now, I have all the contacts that are stored on my desktop! The eight-year-old in me is amazed and at times, appalled. The adult me is rather blasé and acts like this is the norm. Killdeer :cool:
Originally posted by huntmaster70: I know who made that call! Lets see if he will confess!
Originally posted by Bowwild: I have more Left-Handed trad gang archers in my contacts list than I have bowyers. I am thinking about throwing my phone through my chronograph to see if I should keep it!
Originally posted by Turkeys Fear Me: Don't let it go to your head. Most phones issue a speed dial number to every listing in the directory. It could just be that your equally as important as the MIL or the proctologist.