your drawing on the picture to show the white marks...he was joking!
If I pay top dollar for a very long wait...then yes I dont want them there but if it is a mark that I would NEVER notice unless shown by someone...then it is what it is.
I recently bought a brand new Robertson Fatal Styk from Dick that he reduced due to it having two of these really small marks like you would get on a fingernail. It is clear glass over juniper so where the dark red is you can see it...took me two weeks to find the marks with casual search.
Until I read this thread I had not worried or thought about it since...and to be truthful never noticed or searched for them on any of my other bows I have bought new (Jeffery, Habu, Noble) as all my others were pre-owned.
To me, not a big deal...if I pay $1500 for bow and it has one or two that are very noticeable due to location or size....not going to make him do the bow over but may ask for a slight discount due to the imperfection.
They are hunting bows...not meant to be hung in the Smithsonian.