Thanks Guys,
Thanks for an awesome welcome,
Thanks Shakes.602- Our Mythology is full of Archery or Archery related incidents, in contemporary times Archery is more famous in northeastern INDIA then rest. Actually, it is a big business there and many people run their livelihood solely on this. Please Google "Teer in north eastern INDIA”. It’s nothing but a form of gambling but still its keeping the art alive.
Sadly apart from this and Olympic style shooting there is not much Archery happening in INDIA nowadays. Hunting is restricted and very few people know about 3D shoots etc, hopefully one day this will change.
Thanks Mudd, Zradix, EasyKeeper, maineac, rastaman, Lucas K, Wooddamon1, Coonbait, Shed Hunter
Bowslinger: Founder of the revolution is already here, he is the one who introduced me and many others to this fascinating sport. Last night one of our friends who already have #40 limbs asked me to pick up #25 Samick sage limbs because he want to work on his form so that tells me that we are moving in right direction.
Thanks Lozzano, South MS bowhunter, Beyondmyken, rdoggsilva, three finger, Rick Richard, Madness522, and JohnnyWayne
ChuckC: As Dodger said there are no restrictions on shooting a bow in INDIA, if you have a place to practice then you can fire away. Most of the big cities have Olympic style archery clubs (I am not sure about the membership procedures though) and small cities have enough open spaces where you can practice. Dodger already explained you about Hunting.
Once again thanks a lot everyone for this great welcome.