I've skinned 3 snakes in my life. One small copperhead that nearly bit my son. It was hiding under his tricycle. A small milk snake (I think) that my neighbor thought was a baby copperhead and one really nice big copperhead that my neighbor found fresh killed on shoulder of a nearby road. The two small snakes dried out into something resembling cellophane in a day or two and made real cool arrow cresting. I was down in the basement today going thru the deepfreeze when I found that big copperhead skin. I thawed it out and tacked it out to a big card board box. This snake is a hair under 36 inches long and beautiful. It's Also got alot more mass to it than the 2 previous little ones. I did NO fleshing and I'm worried about it now. I plan on using this snake on a bow I have planned. Anyone know if I wrecked this skin? I put it behind my Woodstove and it seems to be drying nicely it's just those belly scales, the ones that run perpendicular too the snake if that makes sense seem to have some meat too
them that I'm worried I shoulda removed. Any advice?