Yesterday morning my Mom passed away. She was truly a great woman who did all that she could for me, her only child. Lots of things made her special to me but one memory of mine stands out when we discuss hunting. I remember getting my gear together the night before, and she said to me, call me if you get anything. I just thought she wanted to get the kitchen ready for the feast.
Well as God blessed luck would have it, I arrowed a nice buck and called home. Expecting the usual congratulations she hurriedly asked my dad to drive her to me. I asked what for, she said she knew better than me how to gut and butcher a deer and to just listen to her. As any good kid, I did. She was thrilled to help and in my opinion she helped in the hunt. We always called that deer, our deer. I will always miss her, but never forget her enthusiasm for life. God Bless you Mom.