It's nothing fancy, but I'm and more importantly, my son is happy with it. It is a 65" (23# @ 26") U Finish it hickory youth bow from Rudderbows. I put on antler tip overlays, backed it with the diamondback cloth backing that they sell as well. Found out one thing, hickory doesn't take stain worth a flip. After 4 coats of stain, said the heck with it, it's dark enough. Then put on 3 very light coats of Tru Oil, followed by 3 light coats of Deft satin finish spray laquer. Actually had to strip the backing off once and re do because of a problem (human error I believe) with the finish. Set me back about 3 days, but as of today, it's done! It's the first time I've done anything like this, so here's hoping it stays together. Oh and by the way, the snakeskin print cloth backing looks amazing. The color and print is spot on and after you add clear finish, its hard to tell from the real thing. About the only way to tell the difference is to feel it, it's smooth, instead of textured. At 15 bucks, hard to beat as a backing if you're on a budget. Finally, thanks to the guys in "The Bowyers Bench", answers to posted questions and reading previous threads helped a great deal.
finally got to shoot it
with his new quiver...which he's still working off